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L-Phenyalanine is an essential amino acid that is also one of the most commonly found aromatic amino acids that exhibit ultraviolet radiation absorption properties. It can be converted in the body to Tyrosine, which in turn is used to synthesize two important neurotransmitters -- dopamine and norepinephrine. Available in three different forms, L-, D-, and DL-, the L- form is the most common and the type in which it is incorporated into the body's proteins. The D- form acts as a painkiller and the DL- acts as a combination of the two. L-Phenylalanine is used in elevating the mood since it is so closely involved with the nervous system. This amino is also said to help with memory and learning, and some people use it as an appetite suppressant. Toxicity is rare but large amounts of L-Phenylalanine may play havoc with your blood pressure and cause headaches, nausea and heartburn. Large amounts of this nutrient may also cause nerve damage.

Jo Mar sells 100% pure, U.S.P. grade L-Phenyalanine in both powder and capsules. The powder is not water soluble and weighs about 3.0 grams per level measuring teaspoon. Capsules may contain less than 1% magnesium stearate, an inert ingredient used in the encapsulation process.

The information stated here is not complete and should not be considered a recommendation. Please consult a qualified physician or nutritionist before beginning amino acid supplementation.

*The following information, as well as all statements and products on this website, have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

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